Women in Finance Charter

HM Treasury’s Women in Finance Charter is a commitment to improve gender balance across the financial services sector, at every level. 

The Charter commits firms to supporting the progression of women into senior roles in the financial services sector. It requires firms to publicly report on progress against targets to support this progression.

By signing up, organisations pledge to promote gender diversity by:

  • Having one member of the senior executive team who is responsible and accountable for gender diversity and inclusion;
  • Setting internal targets for gender diversity in senior management;
  • Publishing progress annually against these targets in reports on its website; and
  • Having an intention to ensure the pay of the senior executive team is linked to delivery against these internal targets on gender diversity

What Zebedee Capital Partners is doing

Zebedee is committed to supporting a fair and ethical workplace for all its team members.

As of 28th August 2024, a third of Zebedee’s senior management team are female. Zebedee will always employ the most suitable person for each role based on the individual’s experience, qualifications and what they will contribute to the Firm, irrespective of gender. However as and when a senior management role becomes available, the Firm will do all it can to encourage women to apply for the position.

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